Khatib Law | APC | Your Rights Are Our Priority

Holding Employers Accountable For Their Wrongful Acts

Legal Help For Employees’ Wage And Hour Claims

As an employee, you’re entitled to fair wages that comply with federal and state minimum wage laws. Depending on your employment status, you may also have the right to meal breaks, rest breaks and overtime pay.

If you believe your rights have been violated, contact me, lawyer Mazen Khatib. I’m an employment lawyer at Khatib Law, APC. I represent only employees, never employers, and I’m passionate about standing up for their rights.

Common Wage And Hour Violations

Examples of wage and hour violations include:

  • Not paying minimum wage
  • Not paying overtime
  • Misclassifying employees as independent contractors (to avoid paying overtime)
  • Mishandling employee tips
  • Making employees clock in after their work duties have already started
  • Making unpermitted deductions from employee wages

Sadly, many employers who break wage and hour laws are banking on the likelihood that their workers don’t know about their rights and won’t take action. That’s why I offer free consultations to educate workers about their rights and empower them to hold unethical employers accountable.

Why You Need An Attorney For A Wage And Hour Case

Wage and hour laws are complicated. Bringing a claim against your employer for wage and hour violations is a major undertaking that requires a detailed investigation, solid evidence and in-depth knowledge of legal proceedings. These claims can also rise to the level of a class action claim because, in many cases, numerous employees are impacted.

When you work with me, you can trust that I will capably handle your case, keeping you informed each step of the way.

Find Out If You Have A Claim | Free Case Review

I can evaluate your work situation and let you know whether you have a case for a wage or hour violation. Based in Ontario, California, I represent employees throughout the region.

Get started today by calling 909-729-3171 or reaching out online.